연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 기능성 고분자(III)
발표장 포스터장
논문코드 3PS-196
발표일 2019-10-11
발표시간 16:00-17:30 (게시시간: 13:50-17:30)
논문제목 Enhancement Detection rate of Phenol sensor based on Purely Organic Phosphor/Polymer Nanofilaments
발표자 김태민
발표자 소속 한국생산기술연구원
저자 김태민, 김보현1, 이강택2, 이선종
소속 한국생산기술연구원; 1공주대학교; 2연세대학교
논문초록 Most organic luminescent materials have a fluorescence property and even if the phosphorescence occur, electrons at triplet states are consumed as a heat by vibration in a shorter time. The complex of ‘2,5-Dihexyloxy-4-bromobenzaldehyde(Br6A)’, ‘2,5-Dihexyloxy-1,4-dibromohenzene(Br6)’and ‘Poly(acrylic acid)(PAA)’ can emit phosphorescence with combination of two factors : Preventing self-quenching and enhancement of emission intensity by Cocrystal formation of Br6 and Br6A, Reduction of vibration loss by halogen bonding between PAA and Cocrystal. Phenol interferes with these two factors in the Cocrystal-PAA complex. As a result, we fabricated a visually identifiable phenol sensor by reducing the emission intensity of the complex by exposure to phenol. Nanofilaments are made from electrospinning to enhance detection rate of phenol using Cocrystal-PAA complex. These nanofilaments are have a higher surface area than made by other methods like drop casting, spin coating.